Stormseal is a semi-finalist!

Stormseal is a semi-finalist! Selected from 550 applicants across 70 countries, Stormseal is a proud semi-finalist for the QBE Accelicity Resilience Challenge! The program is promoted by Leading Cities and is a great opportunity to promote community resilience following sever weather events. Winners are selected at the end of September.

Stormseal Stands Up to Recent Louisiana Storms and Tornadoes

Homes ‘shrink wrapped’ in the FEMA/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pilot program following Hurricane Ida were undamaged by recent spring storms. Stormseal, the game-changing storm response solution that provides powerful protection to homes and buildings until permanent repairs can be made, remained intact and undamaged following recent powerful storms and tornadoes that swept through Louisiana.…

Stormseal: The temporary roofing choice for Insurance Builders.

Social media sent Stormseal to New Zealand, to solve a serious problem

‘My mate swore by it, said it was a great product. I trust him as a straight talker, and I thought Stormseal could solve a big problem in my industry, so I decided to follow it up,’ said Shane. Shane sees big opportunities to use Stormseal to improve customer experience and grow his business, firstly in asbestos removal/re-roofing, and secondly in roof repairs after severe storms or earthquakes.

Thanks for Stormsealing through 2021

It’s been a challenging year for everyone, but made better by the great work of our accredited Stormsealers who protected and provided peace of mind to hundreds of families and property owners. We want to say a big THANKS to all our installers with a 20% discount on all Stormeal rolls, as we recap some…