Stormseal: The temporary roofing choice for Insurance Builders.

Social media sent Stormseal to New Zealand, to solve a serious problem

‘My mate swore by it, said it was a great product. I trust him as a straight talker, and I thought Stormseal could solve a big problem in my industry, so I decided to follow it up,’ said Shane. Shane sees big opportunities to use Stormseal to improve customer experience and grow his business, firstly in asbestos removal/re-roofing, and secondly in roof repairs after severe storms or earthquakes.

Stormseal weatherproofs buildings to prevent costly further damage

Abereum Roofing team increase 8-fold after Stormseal training

‘I teamed up with three other business partners to set up the roof division of Abereum Roofing & Plumbing a short while ago and it’s taken off, mostly thanks to Stormseal,’ says Mitchell Clarke.

‘We started with just two guys, but I’ve taken on another four already to meet the demand, and I’ll be putting eight more through the Stormseal installer training in the next month.

In Swiss storms, Stormseal shows its strength | Stormseal: The World's #1 Temporary Roofing Protection

In Swiss storms, Stormseal shows its strength

In June 2018, to test Stormseal’s weather resistance under the most extreme natural conditions it was installed on the roof of a hut high in the Swiss Alps. ‘Over several weeks, the wind speed average was over 100 km/h [62 miles/h] and some days up to 200 km/h [124 miles/h]. At the end of January, after many storms, the Stormseal film was still looking good.

Central Coast resident’s near miss with tragedy and Stormseal’s innovative make-safe solution | Protect your home with Stormseal

Buff Point disaster: Central Coast resident’s near miss with tragedy and Stormseal’s innovative make-safe solution

Wilfred’s home, like many others damaged by the October 2018 storm, was given the standard ‘protection’ of a tarp to cover the gaping holes in his roof.

After having his home secured with Stormseal Wilfred noticed an immediate difference. “This is just a different kettle of fish. There’s no noise. There’s no anything. There’s no way in the world any water’s going to get in that. And it looks good. I should get the whole roof covered instead of the tiles.”